When Mr Sinclair took his hair out to redo it April 2021 the hair stylist said she couldn’t redo it. Shocked he asked her to take a pic and that’s the pic on the left marked before. He then started researching hair and did what he do best, find plants that he believes would help. He then made the combination and then, Yes he noticed while showering his hair wasn’t falling out anymore. After a week he noticed his bald spots was filling up (center image). The rest is history now June 1, 2022 hair still growing after cutting multiple times and looking to grow dreads for a year! (image on the right)
We are now looking to test this product by giving away free bottles to collect data and see if its effective. To participate simply text or voice note on Whatsapp 718-635-2135 and get on our list unfortunately our trial is now only available in Jamaica after we have multiple confirmations it will be put on the market. Stay Tuned..